Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ben Folds w/Orchestra live in Park City

A lot of us saw Ben Folds in concert at the Deer Valley Music Festival. The show was a little toned down due to the nature of playing with an orchestra outdoors. Ben also seemed pretty tired and he certainly did not seem to be giving 100%. I'm hoping for a better show next North Carolina. We still had a great deal of fun.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What it is.

One day we were sitting reminiscing on all the moments from our past that we found amusing. To our favor we found video of many of these moments. They make us laugh and we hope they will brighten your day as well. Be sure to come back often we have lots to share. thanks!

Lord of the Pretzels

The Spontaneous Musical Moment

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jon and his dancing days.

The Rising Music video

The Waterboarding Experiment

As part of a research project I did during my sophomore year at Utah State University I researched and researched about the use of waterboarding as an interrogative practice. The best research however is always first hand.

I am willing to publish my research in it's entirety, if you are interested leave me a comment.